James J. Lehman DC, FACO
Associate Professor of Clinical Sciences Director of Health Science Post-Graduate Education University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic If you want to improve your orthopedic and neurological examination skills with efficiency and effective use or are preparing for Objective Structured Clinical Examinations and National Board’s practical examinations I strongly recommend that you consider Dr. Conwell’s videos. His incorporation of excellent diagrams, artwork and timer complement his discussion of examination procedures and the comprehension of the outcomes.
Janet Taylor
MD Candidate, 4th Yr. Med Student These videos will be a valuable asset to anyone pursuing a healthcare career, as complex material is simplified, organized and explained so that skills may be developed to perform efficient, accurate examinations.
Stephen Savoie, DC, Dip. ABCO
Video & Book Reviewer This is a three-part video program detailing the examination of the neuromusculoskeletal system. The presentation of the material is thorough and well-organized. All examination procedures are discussed as to the performance of the procedure, the expected positive or negative result and then a demonstration on a patient of how the procedure is performed. This program will be of benefit to those doctors who want to review and upgrade their exam procedures.
TEMPLE I Tikal Mayan Ruin Deep in the Rain Forest of Guatemala, Central America Timothy Conwell, DC, FACO, FAAT, FICC, Dip. ABCO
Professor of Neuroscience |
The educational materials available in this website provide a focused and core reference guide that will advance the clinical skills of students and clinicians who manage patients with neuromusculoskeletal conditions.
I wrote and produced the dynamic interactive instructional 3-part video program series to assist students and health care professionals on how to accurately and quickly perform a screening evaluation of the neuromusculoskeletal system. The educational materials available in this website provide a focused and core reference guide that will advance the clinical skills of students and clinicians who manage patients with neuromusculoskeletal conditions.I incorporated this video program series in the neuroscience courses I taught to my medical students and in postdoctoral education courses. This video program series is also part of the curriculum in postgraduate chiropractic orthopedic board certification programs and in the core curriculum at numerous Colleges of Chiropractic. This video program series has been translated into Chinese to help train medical students attending Chinese medical schools. These full hour long instructional video programs have been purchased by students and healthcare practitioners from every corner of the globe. The genesis for The Clinical Picture e-book was a set of handwritten notes and transparencies/slides I developed for the post-grad education courses I taught over three decades on neuromusculoskeletal examination procedures, charting, documentation, and narrative report writing. A dedicated and greatly appreciated staff member toiled countless hours transcribing my dictated and handwritten notes for my lectures that eventually morphed into two voluminous course workbooks. These workbooks formed the foundation and emphasis of this e-book. Currently I am writing the sequel of this work entitled, The Essentials of The Neuromusculoskeletal Exam, which I anticipate being published late fall, 2016. I am currently developing a Lecture Series of videos and PDF's that are specifically written to assist today's health care students in understanding and applying complex medical concepts. These materials are a product of my neuroscience class lectures as a medical school professor. You will find the material presented in a simplified and well organized manner for maximum comprehension. Check back on this site and my YouTube channel to see new additions to this lecture series. |